Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Renewable Forms of Energy Wind Energy Essay - 1320 Words

Renewable forms of energy are becoming more and more necessary for a sustainable future. Wind energy is a form of energy that is becoming more and more popular, and it offers a way for people to harness energy from something natural to create electricity. Wind energy in addition to other sustainable forms of creating energy are going to start taking the place of fossil fuels as people realize the true benefits of using them. There are many benefits of using wind energy in comparison to using fossil fuels. The first is that once wind turbines are built, they don’t release greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. Wind energy also doesn’t pollute the air or water with other pollutants. Of course some greenhouse gasses and other pollutants†¦show more content†¦Coal costs 3.14 cents per kilowatt-hour (Pare); this cost includes the capital cost, operating and maintenance costs, and the price of the coal itself (Pare). Natural gas on the other hand costs 4.95per kilowat t-hour (Pare); this cost includes the capital cost, operating and maintenance costs, and the price of the gas itself (Pare). Wind energy costs 3.14 cents per kilowatt-hour this includes the capital costs and operating costs, but wind itself is free, so there is no cost for the source of energy (Pare). Based on the direct costs, wind energy is the same price as coal and cheaper than the cost of natural gas (Pare). If the indirect costs such as health and climate change are also incorporated into the total cost of the forms of energy, the price of natural gas rises to 8.09 cents per kilowatt-hour and coal rises to 10.29 cents per kilowatt-hour (Pare). The only indirect costs of wind power are that they aren’t exactly visually attractive to many people, and they can kill birds. These indirect costs of wind energy can’t accurately be quantified therefore the total price of wind energy remains at 3.14 cents per kilowatt-hour, making wind energy cheaper than both natural gas and coal when all costs are compared (Pare). Below is a chart representing the cost of these energy sources. One problem with wind energy is its consistency. Wind speeds are constantly changing. There isn’t a way for wind energy to meet human’s needs one hundred percent of the time unlessShow MoreRelatedNew And Alternative Sources Of Energy1311 Words   |  6 Pages Today s society uses enormous amounts of energy. *The shadow of our presence on this planet is a result of generations upon generations of production and utilization of energy*. New and alternative sources of energy are being developed to replace the declining accessibility of coal and fossil fuels. Use of renewable energy is a key component in combatting the climate change that has become a major issue in the 21st century. 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